Saturday, May 17, 2014

Remains of World's Largest Dinosaur found in Argentina


The recently discovered fossils in Argentina are yet another proof that dinosaurs really inhabited Earth millions of years ago.

Classified as members of dinosaur group called Titanosauria or Titanosauroidea, Titanosaurs are often tagged among a diverse group of sauropod dinosaurs that comprised of Isisaurus and Saltasaurus species. Beleived to have weighed up to 90 tonnes, these dinosaurs have been deemed the heaviest creatures to ever lived on earth along with Argentinosaurus and Puertasaurus. Titanosaurs make up the larger clade Titanosauriformes, together with the brachiosaurids and relative groups.

A farm worker from Argentina has recently made a huge discovery after stumbling on some large bones of what is thought to be a dinosaur species called Titanosaur. The huge fossils are found in a certain place called Patagonia.

After learning of the farmer's newest found, fossil experts have immediately conducted excavations to find the rest of the remains of such a largest land creature to dwell on Earth.

Pertinent information on the latest discovery have said the newly found bones and remains are thought to be of a herbivore dinosaur that belonged to the group called Titanosaur. Such kind of dinosaurs had possibly lived between 95 and 100 million years ago.

Based on the first examination on the newly discovered bones, that creature could weigh up to 77 tons -- same weight when fourteen African elephants are combined. Experts have further estimated the creature was approximately over 40 meters long and 20 meters tall.

These details alone are good enough grounds to deem this thing, the largest-ever known creature to have existed on planet Earth.