Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Luy submits Digital Records as evidence against senators involved in pork barrel scam


MANILA, Philippines - The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) confirmed today about the use of digital files owned by Benhur Luy as evidence against those senators allegedly involved in the multi-billion peso pork barrel scam.

The NBI said they have already submitted these files to the Senate and will forward them to the Office of the Ombudsman.

Mr. Luy is set to visit the Senate to submit his digital records, following the subpoena issues by the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee, according to NBI Director Virgilio Mendez.

Mr. Mendez also re-produced a hard copy of these files, which will purportedly be submitted to the office of the Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales.

Pertinent reports said Mr. Luy's digital files are comprised of 31,700 pages and area safely stored in his hard drive. Among the records contained in the said files are the names of the senators and government officials, who have had previous transactions with Janet Lim-Napoles in line with the pork barrel anomaly.

These records are reportedly extensive than the affidavit submitted by Napoles, involving 20 former and current senators and around 100 congressmen in the pork barrel issue.

Now that the Senate already has Mr. Luy's digital records as well as Mrs. Napoles' affidavit, the congress is now reportedly planning to subpoena the so-called "red book" of Napoles, which according to Mr. Luy's former lawyer Atty. Levito Baligod, has more complete records of the anomalous government funding.

The recently-submitted digital records of Mr. Luy will be disclosed by Guingona's office, tomorrow (Friday). The office would need more time to review these files considering its far-reaching nature.